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Victoria Ukpaka
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Joined: 6 years ago
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As Dave sat in the conference room of Hilltop publisher’s House with his friend Matt waiting for the management to meet with him, Dave looked at Matt and raised up mental hands in thanksgiving to God that brought Matt into his life. He thought of the fact that he was a very timid individual with no genuine friend, even his parents thought he was of no good because he was never the perfect son like Mike, their second son. They never hesitate to let Dave know it in words that are not befitting to be heard in respectable company.

Dave remembered vividly the conversation with Matt;
‘Dave, there is an online writing competition I want you to go for.’ Matt said. Dave remembered how he was shocked that Matt knows he writes.
‘But, how do you know I’m good enough to go in for the competition?’ Dave had asked.
‘You will never really know how far you can jump until you take the leap of faith. I have seen your write ups, sorry for invading your privacy but you have to change your outlook in life and be positive. You can’t always be perfect but you can get there by practice.’ Matt had replied.
Now, he had won the competition and he has become better and more confident to his parents amazement, and he wondered at how he would have been stuck in a rut if he had not listened and taken the leap of faith.  


