What will you do if you were Dan?
Dan and Dave are identical twins in physical features but differ like the north Pole and south Pole. Dan was always ready to do the responsible thing while Dave always wanted to do the opposite of what Dan did. Yet, Dan loved Dave with all his heart and he is always ready to bail Dave out. Dave entered a lot of trouble with nonchalance yet Dan will pull all weight to save his hide Everytime.
Dan has a job and other side hustles, Dave demands upkeep money from Dan every month. It was like a mother and her over pampered child. Dan's excuse for overindulging Dave is that he is his twin and only sibling, so he will do anything for his brother. Now Dan is married and Dave is living with him. Flora, Dan's wife had reservations about Dave having a permanent residence in their house like he will never get married or get his own place.
All these years Dan had never felt regret helping his brother out until now.
Dan's wife is 5 months pregnant and on this fateful day, Dan was trying to move a document from her phone to the laptop when a message dropped. At first he wanted to ignore it but he saw a part of the notification that said; "babe when are you coming downstairs, I miss you already" it was from his twin brother to his wife. Out of curiosity he clicked on the notification and it took him to the threads of chat between his brother and his wife. Apparently, his brother has been sleeping with his wife and he wasn't even sure the baby is his.
Dave was cold on the inside as his hand held the phone limply.
-Victoria Ukpaka