It was the eve of my 10th birthday. I was ecstatic and looked forward to it. A lot of preparation had gone into it because birthdays are big deals in family. I am the youngest of two children, all I ever had to do in my young life was look pretty, wash plates and have good grades. Life really looked great and I looked forward to more years until I saw an envelope float through the night into my window and unto my bed. I was more curious than scared, maybe my cousin Eddy pulling another major prank. Then I saw words written on the envelope, " LETTER FROM THE FUTURE ME". Without thinking, I opened the letter and read...
Dear young me,
I write from the future. I beseech you not to be in a rush to grow up, adulthood is not as you probably think it is. If I had known that the future is not the fantasy I hoped, I would have enjoyed growing up.
There are troubles, serious troubles in the life of an adult. Let me tell you something. People will disappoint you especially those you expect so much from, never allow the hurt linger and never allow one man's mistake affect your relationship with others. Whenever you find the opportunity to learn something good, take it. Most times what you are looking for will be in the least places you expect, therefore never write anything off.
Above all, no one owes you anything, not even your parents. If you must achieve anything, it's up to you.
Remember to keep this letter. I will update you as you grow older. I am the you, you will become in a few years.
Yours sincerely,
You from the future.
I read the letter again, it was really sobering. What does this letter mean? Maybe, it's really cousin Eddy playing a prank. Nothing will ruin my birthday joy. After the birthday I can think about the future.