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Victoria Ukpaka
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Joined: 6 years ago
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If I had known!
That early morning, I was preparing for work. I entered the bathroom to brush my teeth and I saw the toothpaste uncapped and pressed in the middle. I called my wife and asked her why she forgets to cap the tube of the toothpaste and why she prefers to press the middle. It caused a round of argument. By the time I was ready to leave for work, we were barely talking to each other.
I love my wife absolutely but these things can happen even to the best of us.
I received a call around 1pm and it was my wife. I ignored it because I was still pissed that she couldn't see my point of view and refused to meet a compromise. Her call came in two more times and I put it on silence. She knows I prefer just two missed calls. Nothing more. Another reason to be angry. Unnecessarily.
I got buried in my workload till 4pm them I checked my phone. I saw missed calls from numbers I don't know, my best friend, more from my wife, then I saw the one from our doctor. It dawned on me that something could be wrong. I broke out in sweat and remembered my wife was close to term to deliver our first Child. I called her first, it rang without her picking. I called my best friend. What he said chilled my blood. My wife water broke and when she couldn't get to me, she had to get to the hospital herself.
On her way to the hospital, she had an accident. No updates on whether she survived or not.
I remember the doctor said she needed to take it easy these last few days and I promised to personally drive her to the hospital if she enters labor.
How could I be so stupid?
God please I don't want to lose my wife over common toothpaste.

-Victoria Ukpaka
