"I am in love!" My best friend Susan announced as she stepped into my apartment. I rolled my eyes as I mixed the dough for the cake. My friend is always in love, and always out of love by the end of the week. So what's new?
"So Suzie who is the unlucky guy?" She gave me the stink eye and threw a spoon at me and I dodged. She brought out her phone and showed me the new unlucky guy. I turned and looked at her phone, my heart almost stopped. "No, no, no!" My blood chilled and I couldn't look at her.
My everly oblivious friend didn't notice my blank expression, she went on and on about how they met and he asked her out and hit it off from there.
"Did you say he asked you out?" I asked
As I felt the knife twist deeper into my heart.
"Not exactly, he just told me to join him for lunch. Afterwards we exchanged numbers and we have been talking. When a guy does that for me, I am officially in a relationship."
I shook my head at my friend. "Who enters relationship on assumption?"
I looked at her piercingly.
"You cannot do what you do with other guys with him. I need you to stay away from this one." I said with a straight face.
Suzie paused and looked at me, "why?"
I didn't know how to put what I wanted to say in words without Suzie looking at me like I was lying.
"I am pregnant for him, Suzie."
Suzie looked at me like I have grown two heads. "Mandy that's impossible. You don't even date. I am sure no man knows the color of your panties. Was it immaculate conception?"
I shrugged. "The first time I acted on my chemistry with a guy and I had to get pregnant."
"Have you told him?" Suzie asked
"No and I don't want to tell him."
I said with a note of finality.
- Victoria Ukpaka