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Victoria Ukpaka
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Joined: 6 years ago
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I think I am the most disorganized person". I told my friend Leonie. "You know I hate my desk being disorganized yet I can't seem to get my clothes to stay in the wardrobe or my shoes in their boxes. I need to get a closet arranger,you know"
"Cassie, you don't need any closet arranger, that spending the money you would used for something else on something you could have done for yourself." Leonie said as she cleaned her nails.
"Leo, that's easy for you to say. You have the absolute sense of organization, side benefit of your obsessive compulsive disorder. I pray I don't lose something important in my disorganized apartment.
But I lost something important eventually and found it after the opportunity was lost.
We had a job qualifying exams to write and most of us attended pre-exam classes that would qualify us for the exams. Attendance was compulsory and I was given the attendance lists to keep. Of course I kept them until the morning of the exams, they were no where to be found.
The more I searched for the lists the more I got my room disorganized. Disorganization has finally dealt with me, I had to look for plan B. I went to the Human resource and begged that they should allow us to write the exams. They were adamant to keep their rules. When the news got out that I had misplaced the lists, everyone turned on me. I kept muttering to myself, "Cassie, next time learn" over and over.
The Management heard about it and decided that they must carry out the qualifying exams but I would exempted from writing, that way I will learn not to misplace things.
I watched everyone else write the exams and found out later the exams was easy.
I got home devastated, only to find the papers peeking out from the heap of clothes I kept in a corner to sort later.
I slid down my wall and cried. I lost an opportunity because of something as simple as keeping something where I found it.
Exam missed, lesson learned.

-Victoria Ukpaka

This topic was modified 6 years ago by Victoria Ukpaka
