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Victoria Ukpaka
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Joined: 6 years ago
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I woke up and checked my phone, it was still 2:30 am. I wondered what made me wake up early. I rolled my eyes at myself when I remembered that I had just finished a 21-day regimented program that made me wake up earlier that I used to so my body is already used to it.
I willed myself to sleep back, one hour thirty minutes later, I woke up again and decided to go about my morning devotional and duties.
I hoped that the weather would be fair, the previous day was so rainy that everywhere was flooded. As Dawn broke through, it looked like my prayer would be answered, the sky was clear. I made breakfast and dressed up to go out. As my feet hit the ground outside, there was a heavy Downpour, like the heavens waited for me to come out so that it can empty its buckets on me. I ran back inside and opened my umbrella and stepped out again properly shielded from rain. As I walked out in the rain, I remembered a similar day two years ago. I didn't want to remember but the memories slammed into me that I had to pause as I gasped for breath. What was that? I had borrowed money to invest with someone. I was supposed to get returns on the 25th day of the month. The young man had an accident on 22nd and died on the spot. I thought I was going to die. How I could I have borrowed money to invest? The person I borrowed money expected me to return it on the 31st. I had panic attacks, I had nightmares. Well two years later, what doesn't kill you apparently makes you stronger. I didn't die but I learned my lessons. I guess the weather was reminding me of the lessons.

-Victoria Ukpaka
