I stood in the middle of the kitchen, drenched in soapy water, from my hair to my over sized shirt and overflowing skirt.
I live with my uncle, my mother's brother. I lost my younger brother and parents in an auto accident I survived without a scratch. Every day I edsure levels of abuse from my uncle, his wife and his daughters. Who am I? Apparently no one that counts.
The daughters felt that the water I used to wash the yam I put on fire was better on my body. Before now, I get so angry that I feel I will likely erupt but today I was at peace. I started laughing and they looked at me like I was crazy. In anger, they emptied the can of pepper on my body. This time the tears were real but I was still at peace.
My escape plan was few hours close, I applied for mail order bride. An advert in the town newspaper said that a man needed a wife, I applied and interestingly I was accepted.
My bag was packed and their dinner loaded with enough laudanum to make them sleep for days. I don't know what my new life will be like but better an adventure with strangers than hell with familiar people.
I am a mail order bride and I finally met my husband but he wasn't what I expected.
Victoria Ukpaka