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Day 30: shades of crazy

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Victoria Ukpaka
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Joined: 6 years ago
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All day long we waited outside the gate for my sister-in-law to open the gate. She thrown my sister and I out and blamed us for lying that we are sisters to her husband. Infact, she declared us her husband's play girls. I wondered where my brother found this loony tune and married her. She didn't make any sense while she pushed my sister and I out of the gate. Now rain is pouring down heavily on us and no shield. Did I call her sister-in-law, well scratch that. Wedding is two weeks time yet the woman my brother wants to marry doesn't even know who is family. We were really shivering until we saw headlights, I knew my brother is back. He looked shell shocked seeing us in the rain. Without words we entered the car. He was so furious that he started shouting, "Shirley, are you out of your mind? How could you leave my sisters in the rain?"
We were rendered speechless when she claimed that she didn't know we were outside the gate, after it was raining heavily. She went all 360 on us and started apologising. Apologising? Incredible. Anyone could have believed her innocent clear eyes. My brother didn't say anything, he directed us to the house. While we went into the house, we heard him tell her, "I am calling off the wedding and there is nothing you can do about it. You had the guts to sleep with two of my friends and leave my siblings in the rain."
Shirley's mouth was wide open as Kingsley my brother entered the house and locked her out.

"Shirley, the wedding is over. I have had a enough of your craziness. Don't mess with me."

That parting shot made Shirley see red with all kinds of gutter language spewing from her mouth.


Victoria Ukpaka
