Our house was hub of activities as we prepared for the return of our pa. Pa left ten years ago to fight for the return of 50 girls kidnapped from a city close to ours. Ma was running around commanding everyone to get things in order. I was high with excitement. I was 15 when pa left, now I am 25 years, full grown adult with a pregnant wife. 25 years in my village is a ripe year to start producing children. Pa had sent a word to us that he will be coming back so we were really anticipating. My wife couldn't sit still t
Ready to meet her father in law.
After about three hours, I was on the corridor, impatience eating at me. I missed my pa, our gist about life, women and common sense.
Then I heard sound of a speeding car with lots of dust in its wake. In a blink, the car stopped in our compound. Everyone rushed from all sides of the house and looked in shock at was unfolding. We saw our pa amidst the dust, he stood a little and crumpled to the ground. Sporadic gunshots rang into the air as one beefy man came down and said, "no one messes with my daughter and lives to tell the story." He raised his gun and busted PA's knees.
We watched in horror as our nightmare began.