Last seen: Dec 18, 2022
Do your spell checks, e.g., 'And echoe their nakedness to the world's ear' (word should be 'echo') Also mind your pluralisations, e.g., 'Or the hidden...
Not bad.
Not bad for the genre in question. In written English, try avoid colloquial expressions like this, "Does it mean...?" You'll see that in the second pa...
A familiar tale. Good attempt though. A few issues: 1. Formatting 2. Paragraphing 3. Capitalizations 4. Use of short form should be discouraged (eg., ...
Nice storyline. I remember this story well. Glad you could finally submit it for the contest. You could have gone for a better title though.
Not bad at all. You should do some spell check before submitting your entry. Grammarly is a nice app for such.
S1L1: Then it speaks thus This line isn't necessary. The title has already given it out. S4L2: To give them oxygen in abundant The word there should b...
Brilliant piece! Note S1L4: Can we escape in the land of timeless? It should be: Can we escape in this timeless land? Or: Can we escape in the land of...
Poem needs to be properly edited.
Creative piece! You shouldn't use symbols to represent words ('&' instead of 'and'). You also didn't use pluralisations well in S1L2: I'm trying t...
You still have issues with tense usage. Let's consider S1L1: It was broad daylight (not a broad day light), The day the robber invaded (not invade), M...
Well scripted. Try avoid big words like 'pulchritudinous' and 'pomegranate'. Keep it simple and plan, yet elegant.
Strong message!