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Your charming eyes stole my heart
Tearing the strongest walls apart
Like the early morning rain
it heals my wounds and pain
From the day
i set my eyes on you
I knew we were met to be just me and you
It was love at first sight
And your beauty was my delight
Since the day you called my name
i haven't been the same
It all started with a date
And you became my fate
The smile on your face like the sun rays
can steal the devil's heart
And this was how i felt
the day we first met
The sun sang us a melody of love
Which blossomed our romantic love
The moon was my witness
that you became my princess
Let's toast to our world of love
a world of sweet romance
© Samuel junior Irusota


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A Review of "World of Romance" by Samuel Junior Irusota.

This poem has the ring of those sort of words young lovers tell their partners whom they are in love with.

In this poem, the personae recollects back to how the blossoming love life began. This event is the same with majority of lovers, the personae remarks thus: "Your charming eyes stole my heart ... From the day/i set my eyes on you ..." Ever since their meet, the love they share had no better yesterday, for them, they live in a "world of love/ a world of sweet romance."

The personae tells us that before this meet, the personae lived in a world of "wounds and pain", the reason for this is not provided by the personae. However, heartbreak can be read into the line as a possible source for the "wounds and pain" the personae felt. But all this, the personae tells us "heals" the first day their eyes met. What a love!

The subject matter of the poem is love. The themes include: pain, happiness and infatuation.

The poet should make use of punctuation marks. Because he did not employ them in his piece, it made the poem difficult to read. For example, it becomes difficult to pinpoint which line the simile "like the early morning rain" is in comparison with.

Also, the poet should work on his grammatic constructions (spellings, tense etc). The word "met" in line 6 should be "meant". The words "just me and you" in that line are needless.


Lawal Eneye.

This post was modified 5 years ago by Dr. Kennedy O. Obohwemu
