Last seen: Dec 18, 2022
Oh, that's interesting...
Why the choice of the old word 'thy'? You shouldn't combine the old and the new. Choose one and stick with it throughout the quote. Also, the word 'yi...
Some of the words are mumbled up. No proper word spacing. Ensure you edit your works properly before submitting them for contests.
Interesting tale... Needs a lot of editing though (punctuations and capitalisations, among others).
Issues with punctuations, paragraphing and capitalisations... Pllease take time to edit your works before submitting them.
Gory, satisfying read! But there are many issues with punctuations and paragraphing. You gotta work on those!
Great piece! Just a few issues: 1. The title is misleading. 2. You used the synonyms 'old' and 'ancient' in the same line. 3. Your decision to begin t...
A nice debut poem. You were overly reliant on use of rhythm in this piece. It didn't work out quite well. The rhyming scheme was inconsistently used. ...
Work on use of pluralisations: S4L3, L4: The scent of your food travels down our heart(s)The delicious meal you serve saved our soul(s) S6L2: Nor my t...
S1L1: When tomorrow ask(s) us for a dance
If this entry is for children's literature contest as indicated, then I will rather the author use a folk narrative style to drive home his point. Sec...
This poem should have been a sonnet. The poet personae gives us an idea of what idealism is all about when it comes to matter of love. But the word fi...
Twist of Fate This poem is deep and the poet personae is nostalgic. I like the paradox of faith over fate and the poet's hopelessness after series of ...