Last seen: Dec 18, 2022
Edit this sentence in the second paragraph: "Do you yourself believe it is possible with your current situation?" It's not acceptable in written Engli...
You essentially paraphrased this quote by Whitney M. Young, Jr.: “It is better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one than to have an oppo...
You wrongfully posted this in Week 2. We're in Week 3! ? Moreover, the piece needs a lot of editing.
Let it be more prose, less poetry.
Good advice! Still needs proper editing though. For example: "Nana, why would your mom leave key for you, you are supposed to be in school by this tim...
A familiar 'tales by moonlight' scenario...
Nice fiction!
Not bad. The word 'body-shaming' shouldn't be hyphenated, if that's the title you choose.
Good attempt. Needs to be properly edited though. And the piece surely deserves a better title!
Nice piece. There's too much space in between paragraphs. And use of punctuations is defective.
Paragraphing seems to be an issue here...
Needs to be properly edited. Let's start with this: John turned away from her, pacified the room and hid his face from hers. (You mean he paced the ro...
Nice story. Needs to be properly edited though. Begin by correcting this expression in the 2nd paragraph: "Their love was like a fish that can't do wi...
Needs to be edited. S1L3: Love is the pillar of a true-friendship (The hyphen is unnecessary here!)
Nice, but needs to be properly edited.