In the valley of the
shadow of death
On the road of loneliness
The bridge of confusion
Depression and fear dwell in mystery
In the World of
Dred of friends
Overwhelmed with
Soaked to the bone of
Oh nature!
Help a man of straw
Helpless but
Determiation is the
yet frustrating to
Action painting
Gravedom knocking
Helpless and
Oh helper
Why have you
forsaken the
©Miss Crown Sarah
A Review of "Lost" by Adeola Babawale
The poem is a picture of the absurdity of life. It expresses the conditions of the average man. The personae of the poem recounts the rigours "the helpless" encounter daily.
The title "Lost" is relevant to the body of the poem as it captures the condition of "the helpless" who seem to be plagued with an unresponsive helper. For this cause, "the helpless" are subjected to be "in the valley of the/shadow of death".
The personae seems to hang the plight of "the helpless" on the helplessness of "the helper". The personae is conscious that "the helper" has what it takes to change the condition of "the helpless", this could be adduced to be the reason behind the rhetorical question "oh helper/ why have you/forsaken the/helpless?"
The form of the poem is inconsistent. If the poem were to be without punctuation marks it is understandable; this would mean the tone of the poet is that of anger. If the poem were ably punctuated, it would be understandable. The poet left some part not punctuated and some punctuated. It should be revised.
Lawal Eneye