F3 vs F4 (Image)
For the image attached, produce a piece of literature (poetry, prose, play, etc) using the theme(s) that can be identified. You have 10 minutes to write at least 100 words.
Your time starts now. Submit on or before 21:15 (GMT+1).
All the best!
ANSA… for the love of writing
On the paved balcony of my tall bungalow, I pace to and fro. Those thoughts of mine which raged on and about like forest fire began to mellow as I cast my eyes away from hence I was. The sun was just beginning to set, the glow was almost fiery yet gentle red. That glow was very unlike in comparison to my thoughts which were a blazing dread. As I gazed on, the fireball of the earth’s ceiling was casting its last glow of the day as it slowly descended toward the horizon beyond the lake.
I could smell the crisp air that breezed past and sway the trees both tall and small. As I gazed out this tranquil landscape, I couldn’t help but wonder if life does at time slow
down to take a breath of gratitude. Even busy human lives are all but a part of this great world. The cars are all but parked at the sides. Maybe I should do that too. Appreciate the glorious wonder of being alive.
- "Remember, tranquility can be found in the simplest of places and created in the most violent places", these were the final words of my father to me before passing on his deathbed. One will expect these words from the father of a depressed 17 year old who has been Searching for peace since his early teenage years. As I strolled these path, the silence brought peace, and tranquility I found in nature's conjunction with man's creations.