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E3 vs E4 (Ebenezer Vs Tosin) Audio

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E3 vs E4 (Audio)


For the audio attached, produce a piece of literature (poetry, prose, play, etc) using the theme(s) that can be identified. You have 10 minutes to write at least 100 words.


Your time starts now. Submit on or before 21:27 (GMT+1).


All the best!


ANSA… for the love of writing

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Maynah

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Global warming is a reality. It is happening right now. Years ago an image of Earth was first taken; it was -beautiful; breathtaking; a glowing marble of blue oceans, and green forests, and brown mountains brushed with white clouds, rising over the surface of the moon. And while the sight of our planet from space might seem routine today, imagine what it looked like to those who were seeing our home, our planet, for the first time. Even the astronauts were amazed.  “It makes you realize,” Lovell would say, “just what you have back there on Earth.”    

  • Now we know that we live in a world that’s warmer than it used to be, all weather events are affected by a warming planet. And we know that the costs of these events can be measured in lost lives and lost livelihoods, lost homes, lost businesses, hundreds of millions of money in emergency services and disaster relief. 

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Global warming is a climate change that refers to long term shifts in temperature and weather patterns. And yes, it is very real. It is caused by burning and cutting down forests, farming livestock, generating electricity by burning down fossils and so on.

We can already see some of the effects predicted by scientists like rise in Sea level, loss of sea ice and intensified weather damage.

While we can't stop global warming from happening, we can slow its effects down by recycling more (In Africa, this is very much needed as we hardly recycle things), powering our homes with renewable energy, planting more trees, using less heat and air conditioning etc.
