Last seen: Dec 18, 2022
Nicely done!
Nice! A few errors: S2L5: 'With it, the strongest of army is bring to their knees...' (Word there should be 'brought'.)
Nicely done!
Perfecto!!! ??
A few errors: She heard four words in a cryptic tone, “DO NOT MARRY HIM”. chills ran down her spine, and she broke out in gooses bumps. “Who is this? ...
And which contest category is it? Flash fiction? Short story?
Typos, poor paragraphing, subject-verb disagreement... Try work on these issues.
Lots of typos and structural deficiencies. "He groan as he slowly came to live..." This should be: "He groaned as he slowly came back to life..."
Not as palatable as anticipated. Nice try though. Learn to properly use punctuation marks in your dialogue.
Started well, but the finish wasn't as appetising... A few structural deficiencies in between...
Well done. Let's just correct a few errors. Consider the statement below, extracted from the text: "My bank do not notify me of any transaction done s...
You decided to try again this week...