Last seen: Dec 18, 2022
Interesting... You decided to try again?
Wrong forum? You should have selected May 2019 Week 4.
S4L2: In the lullaby of Angelic chants The word angelic shouldn't begin with a capital letter.
Very nice depiction of suicide. I think the title should have been, The evil that glows. Use of the word 'glares' looks ambiguous.
Lovely piece! S2L3: Like a poem of divers sort I believe the word should be 'diverse', not 'divers'.
Word count (773) exceeds the minimum required (350-500).
Names of the villages like Mbani, Ulongwe and Thorki should begin with capital letters.
Nice reflection... A few errors: "...SPN party still gathered people in masse..." The word there should be 'enmasse', not "in masse".
How sad...
You use singular verbs in place of plural verbs and vice versa. It shouldn't be like that. Check S1L4, S2L1 for example.
Really nice! You should use stanzas to delineate the poem.
S1L4: Word there should be 'fill', not 'fills'.
S3L4: The word there should be 'full', not 'fully'.