Last seen: Dec 18, 2022
Nice verse. You didn't include your full name in your submission. Kindly go through our contest rules again.
Nice flow... However, your attempt to use rhythm didn't go down so well. If you must use rhythm in poetry, ensure the rhymes stick together seamlessly...
Title should have simply been 'Letter to self'. S2L2: 'And your days so far has been' (The pluralised form of the highlighted word should be used inst...
S1L4: 'Through the thick and thin.' (The definite article shouldn't be there.) S4L1: 'Hearts in Sync' (Highlighted word should begin with a small lett...
Good thinking...
Lovely extract of poetry.
'...the people that rised to their challenges and allowed their ego to be bruised...' (Word should be 'rose'. Such errors are inadmissible!)
You have a similar writing style with your partner-in-crime Ridwan. Your tense usage is quite detective: 'Is it the dandelion yellow buses that drags...
Very nice analogy... But there's plenty room for editing. '...the aroma from your mother's cooking pot can open a blocked nostrils...' Can you tell wh...
You gave out the story in your opening sentence. Save it for the last. Let your readers discover it for themselves.
Story needs more content, more depth, more colour...
In the title, there should be an 's' in the word 'secret'. Always add a reader discretion notice for piece with graphic content.
You seem to have difficult choosing suitable titles for your works. 'Pay attention' certainly doesn't sound nice for this narrative! You should also m...
Looks like a story children would love...