Had I known!
My name is Stella Matthews and I am 2 months pregnant. I got married to Prince Matthews 6 months ago. Now, I am single and still married. You don't understand right?
Long before Prince married me, I was a very beautiful woman as many said and I believed. I didn't know what it means not to have male attention on me, so I took it for granted. I had a few serious relationships, had more unserious ones and I had those I just wanted to play with and walk away from.
Then, I met Prince, a fine young man with lots of money to spend. He courted me as I should be courted; bought me gifts and even took me on vacations. It was during one of the vacations that he proposed. Wow! I have met the perfect guy, I thought. Hmmmm...
We had a whirlwind romance, short, brief, exciting and I was ready to walk down the aisle with him.
But there was something potentially wrong.
Prince never told me anything about himself. I never met anyone related or close to him. It was apparent he has money. I never learned anything personal about him, instead he wanted me talk about myself. For the first time, I felt like I have met someone interested in me as a person.
The wedding came. Prince had only a couple of bouncers, no friends, no family, nothing.
My parents showed their discomfort about it all but I didn't mind. Remember, I was getting the prince charming of my dreams and nothing can stop me.
After the wedding, we had another whirlwind honeymoon. That was when I conceived. Immediately, it was confirmed I am pregnant, my husband was ecstatic and bought me nice things.
Few days later, things changed.
My husband came back, told me we were visiting some friends. I was so happy. Finally, I get to meet his friends. We travelled in his Jeep for a while, and I drifted off to a deep slumber. Of course I didn't suspect anything. I woke up after what felt like several hours and we were in front of high fenced walls with a white gate.
And that was the beginning of the end.
Prince took me into the house behind the gate and handed me over to a man in a white lab coat and told me, "honey, don't worry he will take good care of you". I was confused. My husband turned and walked away.
I have not seen my husband till today, but I learned who he really is.
Right in that house were women who had gone through the same process as me. They were either pregnant or they just delivered. Prince is into child trafficking. He sells children and we were just baby producing machines. I got my wish. I married the best guy, I got the wedding I wanted but now no one knows where I am. And I heard, when a woman is worn from birthing, she "disappears". Please, save me.
-Victoria Ukpaka