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In the globe comes the ten years' challenge;
People posting pictures,
For all to see their transformed faces,
Some, their changed outlook

Some complexions have changed from black to white,
Some, from white to black.
Many others have refused to post,
Because life has preyed on them

Illness has shone its light on many;
The fat ones have become lean,
The thin ones have become cadaverous,
Poverty and malnutrition are in existence

In the last ten years,
Many loved ones passed away,
But you and I are alive,
Alive to be witnesses this moment

Whether our faces are changed or not,
That is the outward appearance;
If our hearts are yet to be transformed,
Then we remain unchanged.

The face is just a mask,
The mask is just cover;
Our heart is the real us,
A content with a cover

If God dwells not in us,
And we dwell not in Him,
Then we remain who have been
For the last ten years

Come together, oh ye people,
Another ten years have begun;
Will you be a different person by then,
Or would you still be the person you have been for the last twenty years?

Apata Victor

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