February 1st AD2017
Dear Vicky
It takes my letters two weeks to reach you
But I am sure that my presence never left you
I am sure that though I be far away
My love is closer to you than your heart to your chest
I haven't forgotten the promise I made to you
To brave the battlefield and return to you
Yes, there were times when I felt down
But a peek into my heart lifted my morale
For in my heart resides a goddess
One whom I was sold to by love
One whom I call Vicky
Feb 14th AD 2017
Re: Centurion Tony
Oh my!
My heart goes out to you,
My prayer like a sweet smelling savor to the heavens,
Praying that your life be preserved for me,
So that my eyes will behind who owns my heart.
I hear the boom sound from the north,
I know the war has gotten tougher,
But you must come back to me my hero.
You must come I beseech you,
For I am heavy with your child.
I know I shouldn't tell you now,
But it's the good news we have waited for.
Double reasons to make it back to us.
Re: Vicky
I received the last letter with tears of joy
I almost hugged the soul out of the postman
The enemy has surrendered and the battle won
Add it to the conception of our child
And the fact that I will soon in flesh, behold your beauty
Then you will understand why my joy supersedes that of Euphrosyne
In the spirit of love, name I our unborn child Valentine
Re: Centurion Tony
Oh the heavens have smiled on me.
My beloved is coming home to me soon.
My eyes are constantly watching the gate,
My heart leaping at every footstep, hoping they are yours.
Definitely our child will bear the name valentine.
The symbol of the love we uphold
Hasten back to me my love my hero
I want lay my eyes on your handsome, heroic face again.
I am proud of your battle scars,
Who has a hero as brave as mine?
©Anene Ebubechukwu Anthony and
Victoria Ukpaka
Hmm... Soldier go, soldier come...