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Some say your best friend is the twin you don't have, a brother or sister God didn't allow to come from your mother's womb.

When I first gained admission into Afijo senior school, all I wanted was to make the grades I promised my parents and do well enough to be considered for an opportunity to study medicine once I was done but just two days into my resumption, I was already roaming the school with Florence.
How we became best of friends still baffles me to this day because she was the direct opposite of me.
She was made our hostel head the first week of resumption because of her active disposition to everything she does and her readiness to always know more of whatever she was ignorant of.

Her willingness to know more about things made her experiment with things that were beyond her age and she also made me walk that path with her.
As it was normal for people of our age, we talked about sex whenever we were chanced. While I considered it a fantasy that could only become reality later in our lives, Florence did not. She wanted to know what it felt like so she gave in to one of the male seniors that had been pestering her.
It was until after her third sex with that particular senior that she finally told me about it. She called it the sweetest thing in the world.
Soon I was standing guard for Florence and her boyfriend in the dead of the night, listening to her moans and watching out for our school's security guards.
By the time we got to SS2, I was already having sex too.
We were in the second term when Florence got pregnant. It first came as a shock since we were always careful. Once we noticed our boyfriends were about to ejaculate, we would force them out of us.

Florence was not willing to risk her life with the crude method that was being used to remove unwanted foetus in school. She was afraid that using an hangar would damage her womb or even kill her in the process so she had to leave school.

I considered myself lucky but what has been disturbing me since I heard she gave birth was why our friendship had a sour ending.
I mean if your best friend is actually the twin God never gave you, then perhaps he was trying to prevent an occurrence by refusing you that twin.
Perhaps if we didn't meet, our story would have been different.
If she wasn't my best friend, maybe she would have not been able to go ahead and have constant unprotected sex with my backing at that tender age and I'd probably still be holding on to my fantasy at this point in time.
Perhaps, we all are not meant to have best friends because we'd likely go on adventures that may mar our future.

©Akinwole John Akintayo


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Content was quite graphic. You should issue a 'reader discretion notice' next time.
