So this happened in the office yesterday. I applied for my annual leave and my supervisor needed to approve it for it to fly. I reminded her earlier in the morning and she agreed to do it but I was surprised that by 4pm, it was still unapproved. My colleagues told me not to worry that she's just busy and I thought so too. I assumed she knew and so She'll get to it before the close of work. But by 5pm, I was restless since she needed to approve it so I could start the next day. I decided that a little reminder wouldn't hurt so I sent her a message on the office Skype and immediately I saw her reply in exclamation marks I knew she had forgotten. She still approved it though but I was partly to blame for the delay. I shouldn't have assumed she was just too busy to get around to it.
Sadly enough we do this in our relationship with people and I'm not just talking about relationship between spouses. Even in parent-child relationship, it happens. Deep down your kids know you love them but when last did you remind them of that love by saying it to them? You know, just in case they momentarily forgot. You can never say it too many times so even if they know, tell them. I often read on Facebook how kids appreciate their parents on their birthdays and how much they love them but when last did you tell your mum or Dad face to face how much you love and appreciate them...
And so you are a business owner and you have people working for you, how often do you appreciate their hard work and diligence? Or you feel they are aware you appreciate them because their salary is always paid on time. Telling them how much you appreciate them will not only boost their morale, it'll also increase productivity.
When it comes to our friends and family, that's a no brainer. Never fail to tell them how much you appreciate and value them.
these things might look minor but they are not. Words are so powerful that whether or not your love language is words of affirmation, you are moved by words in one way or another. Communication is the key to unlocking so many doors in our relationship with people. So many misunderstandings would be avoided if we learn to communicate more and assume less. Even if you think the other person is aware, still tell them.
©Emmanuel Christianah
Message well delivered. But punctuations, paragraphs and capitalizations are not so well knitted in the piece.