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Victoria Ukpaka
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Over the years there have been an increase in the rate of sexual perversion of different degree committed against children and young teens in Nigeria and globally. News stations and platforms are riddled with news about the disturbing increasing rate of child sexual abuse within Nigeria and these offenders hardly experience justice from the system. Parents of the victims hardly report the cases out of fear of stigmatization and the reported ones hardly get any serious attention. Because of the half-hearted attention sexual abuse gets in the country, the act became more rampant. This abuse has long term impact on the victims; depression, post traumatic stress disorder, psychological issues and so forth. This sexual perversion towards children is termed pedophilia. According to research, pedophilic Sex is dangerous to children “and roughly one in five girls and one in twelve boys are victims of sexual abuse.”

Pedophilia is the sexual preference of children, male or female of prepubertal or early pubertal age. Pedophilia cuts across lots of disciplines like psychology, criminology, psychiatry and so forth. Pedophilia is an act which exists between the victim and the offender, the victim is usually a child or prepubertal teen (0-13 years old).10 Unlike other sexual offenses which are categorized as criminal, pedophilia is more of clinical problem and is diagnosed by a psychiatrist or psychologist.

In a study, there was a question of having sexual preference for children is immoral or not. This is considering both the evaluative and psychiatric assessment which is completely different from moral assessment.  Two arguments were made to assess the morality of adult sexual preference for children – the harm argument and the consent argument. When the sexual preference of an adult graduates from thoughts to physical harm like rape then pedophilia becomes immoral. Apart from the bodily harm pedophiles can cause, the psychological impact of pedophilia has a long lasting effect on the children.

Sometimes, the sexual acts of these adults might not involve any form of penetration or bodily harm at the prepubescent age but the acts like fondling and caressing can leave psychological effect on the child and could progress to sex when the child becomes older. Under the consent argument, a child is not old enough to give consent in sexual relations as it is wrong to engage in sex without consent. Any sex that involves children is completely non-consensual and that makes it harmful to the child.
Pedophilic behaviors is said to arise during adolescence or early adulthood and the perpetrators of these acts never start out with using force on children rather they entice the children with gifts and praises to make them comfortable around them and trust them.


The most vulnerable to the acts of pedophiles are children who get less attention from their parents, who are lonely and depressed and feel rejected or abandoned. Hence, they are susceptible to falling victims just get a little attention and these pedophiles take advantage to fulfill their sexual fantasies. Profiles of pedophiles revealed that they are usually who the children are familiar with and are hardly strangers. The percentage of strangers who abuse children are insignificant compared to the familiar people who commit this act. This implies that child sexual offenders are usually family members, uncles, aunts and so forth.

Child sexual abuse in Nigeria is an offence under chapter 21 of the country’s criminal code which declares age of consent as 18. One out of four girls, one in ten boys in Nigeria experienced some sort of sexual violence before the age of 18. Also, over 20 percent of girls reported that their first sexual encounter was some kind of forced sex. In 2012, about 1200 girls were reported o have been raped in Rivers state.

Sexual and sexuality topics are usually regarded with a lot of reservations within families and communities in Nigeria and these affects how sexual offenses are perceived and handled.


Here is a question: what is sexually attractive about a 2 year old (0-13)?


This topic was modified 5 years ago by Victoria Ukpaka

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You didn't cite your references. This leaves you prone to accusations of plagiarism.

This post was modified 5 years ago by Dr. Kennedy O. Obohwemu
