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Victoria Ukpaka
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Education system in Nigeria, from the local government level to the federal level needs absolute reform to meet the rising needs and challenges in the society. Daily, schools produce young people that cannot use what they learned in school to solve daily problems. These young people cannot apply what they have learned because most of the departments' curriculum content are impractical and not taught to solve immediate problems. Most courses are too theoretical to be applied.

Schools should be a platform where young people are trained and prepared to impact their societies positively. When a young person meets a problem, he or she should be able to think proactively and not complain the problems away.

The education system forms part of the bedrock of the growth of any society, hence it is imperative that deliberate changes are made from the level of ministry of education.

First off, practical classes and lectures should be implemented at both primary and secondary level. Relevant skills should be taught alongside other courses to meet daily challenges of the current changing world.

  Emphasis should be placed on weekly assessment of individual development instead of assessing with end of term exam.

To ensure that education is equitable to both the urban and rural areas, the government and philanthropists should make available the funds and staff to the rural areas with an efficient system to evaluate and ensure the vision is achieved.

In other words, there is a great need to reform the education system and make it accessible at all levels.


-Victoria Ukpaka

This topic was modified 6 years ago by Victoria Ukpaka

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Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 862

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