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Lots of thoughts ran in Angela's mind, as she walked languidly in her room, with her hands behind her. She soon plonked down her bed and let out a heavy sigh-- a sign of pain. A tear rolled down her left cheek as she reread and flung away the letter that had created a bad day.

"Ha! Where do I start from? Who do I call? How do I say it? Who would believe me? do I tell Dennis?" She asked herself those questions, sniffing and trying to hold back the tears that welled up her eyes. Angela shut her eyes, as the tears flowed freely. She hadn't felt that horrible all her life. Words of regrets didn't stop coming out of her mouth.

Collins, her fiancé's best friend had once wooed her when they were in the University. She had become Gideon's girlfriend already, before Collins asked her out. Angela rejected his proposal and made it known to him that nothing as such would ever exist between them. That didn't stop Collins from retrying through out their stay in school, as Angela didn't inform Gideon about the drama.

After their service, Gideon and Angela looked to tie the knot. Collins, who would be the best man, called Angela one very cold evening. He told her to come over to his place, because he was feeling sick. Angela would have asked Gideon to go to his place instead, but he had traveled to his village to make some preparations for their wedding ceremony, which was to come up in a month's time.

As soon as Angela opened the door of his house, he found him under the duvet, shivering. When she moved close to him, Collins suddenly pulled her, covered her mouth and raped her.

Blood stained the white bedsheet--- she had been a virgin all her life, protecting her dignity until that painful night. Nevertheless, she kept mute and hid it away from Gideon.

Two weeks passed, and she became sick. Angela informed her fiancé, and he advised her to go to the hospital.

Tests were carried out, she was confirmed pregnant. This news made her seek vengeance. She knew the perfect time Collins would be at home that evening. Angela, without saying a word, saw dancing to a loud music, without his knowledge of her presence. She picked up one of the almost executed bottle of wine on the table, and smashed it on his head.

On the bed he fell, crying in pains, with blood gushing out in large amount. Angela moved closer to him, picked up a knife, and stabbed his penis continuously, until it eclipsed his trousers and fell off.

"What do I do?" she said to herself, crying uncontrollably, as she buried her face in bed.

Victor Apata


Prominent Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 862

Not bad at all. You should do some spell check before submitting your entry. Grammarly is a nice app for such.
