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Victoria Ukpaka
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Ada sat down by her mother's grave and cried for the loss of everything. She laid her eight year old head on her mother's grave and mourned like never before. "Mommy, what did we ever do to deserve this? Mommy why did you have to leave me? Can you see what uncle Emeka and his wife are doing to me? Come and take me I am so tired to my bones... Her groans poured from the depth of her being, she didn't see the cloud gather and she never felt the pain when the blunt edge of the stick hit the back of her neck and everything went dark.
Somewhere in the dark, an image shimmered, tears flowing down her cheeks, the night got even darker and the thunders roared.
Mrs Emeka, Ada's aunt entered labor that night, oblivious to what her husband was doing this time, no one was home to help her to the hospital.
One young boy was a witness to it all and followed behind the man who carried Ada's limp body. No one waited at home, he had lost all in an accident only him survived and he was just eleven.
James, the young boy shivered in the cold as the man carried Ada deeper into the woods. He was almost tired when they got an opening in the earth and the marln Ada through a door. James heard a phone ring after a while he saw the man rush out back to where he came from. James rushed into place and was shocked at what he saw. Pictures of young girls filled the room in different resolution. He saw all kinds of torture images he practiced on your girls, James threw up and he knew he had to find a way to save Ada, the pretty girl with blue eyes.

-Victoria Ukpaka

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Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 862

Good attempt, but it looks a little too gory for your target audience.
