The moon bleeds and the clouds gathered,
The wind lay still,
Skies cried in torrents,
Fate has dealt its blow on us,
We are fated forever to sacrifice ourselves
On the altar of hearts of men
Who rejected who we are,
For who they wanted us to be.
The skies rumbled,
Pebbles fall from the skies in lumps,
They run helter skelter,
Praying to whom they know not,
To save them from the results of their acts,
All the while, the air circled around us,
As I held my hands with yours,
And our hearts beat as one.
Banished we were from the midst of men,
They called our love tarnished,
Yet none of theirs would survive,
What our love experienced.
They called us rejected,
But today the powers that be joins with us,
As doom rains on them.
We drank our tears when we were thirsty,
Fed on our meat in our hunger.
We bled to give each other life,
We became one in our pain.
They said we were banished,
They forgot the earth drank our blood,
So our blood cries out now in justice.
Where are they now?
Who fated us for death...
Where are they now?
Who banished us from life...
Where are they now?
Who scorned the sanctity of our hearts...
Where are they now?
We have come to the ends of ourselves,
On Earth our skeletons lay,
In the skies, our souls linked,
And the earth felt the years in our tears.
They called us, Banished.
-Victoria Ukpaka
Good poem. Mind your tense usage. There's no subject-verb agreement, especially in the first stanza:
The moon bleeds (present tense)
The clouds gathered (past tense)
You can't have them both in same construction.