ANSA Forum Ground R...
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[Sticky] ANSA Forum Ground Rules

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New Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 4
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You are most welcome to the Association of Nigerian Student Authors (ANSA).

ANSA is the brainchild of multiple international award-winning Nigerian author Dr. Kennedy O. Obohwemu.

First established at Delta State University, Abraka in 2007 (and officially recognised by the school's authorities in 2010), ANSA is dedicated to instilling the culture of reading & writing among children, teenagers & younger adults. We want this delicate population to contribute their quota to the promotion of Nigeria's cultural heritage & literary enterprise.

The aim is simply to serve as a platform for young aspiring authors to promote their literary work in the best way possible!

ANSA will offer you valuable resources to help your career trajectory. There are crucial programs you will also find useful.

Be free to post excerpts of your works and ask for useful critiques.


We expect this blog to unite and strengthen us. Hence, in our deliberations we must remember the following:

1. Use of foul language and personality attacks are not allowed. "Civility costs nothing, but buys everything". You are encouraged to be civil at ALL times.

2. Your right of freedom of speech ends where my right to protection begins. There should be mutual respect, admin(s) and members alike.

3. As much as possible information should be verified before posting, to avoid spreading rumors. Where verification is sought from the group it should be stated.

4. Religious posts are not allowed in this group.

5. Political posts with tendency to divide the house into geopolitical, ethnic or religious groupings should be shared through personal mails but NOT in this blog.

6. Sharing of unsolicited messages ('copy & paste') are strictly prohibited! Please contact the Admins if you feel you need to share an important message, so long as it's directly related to promoting the culture of reading & writing.

7a. Flouting of any of the ground rules will lead to suspension from the group for 8 weeks.

7b. The next episode of flouting entails permanent dismissal from the group.

8. Based on the ground rules of the group, the admins can bring in new members while keeping to the ideals of the group but that is after they must have intimated the new comer of the ground rules.

9. Any member should feel free to contact any of the admins for admission of new members with his/her full name, birthday and phone number.

10. It's the prerogative of the admins to ascertain that a rule has been broken and the length of adjudication is also within their jurisdiction.

NB: Ground rules may be modified as the Group evolves and this can only be done by a simple majority of the Admins.


As we go through these trying times, it is almost inevitable to let our passions strain, sometimes so far apart. Though our differences may seem like mountains, we must not let them break the bonds of affection that hold us together.

Please take note of the following:

1. We are a family. Act like it.

2. Our resolve is primarily for the betterment of ANSA members.

3. Literary issues should be paramount.

4. Discussions on any subject matter must be devoid of tribal, ethnic, religious, political, and personal bias/sentiments.

5. Pray for the association.

6. We must be tolerant of divergent views.

7. During conflicts uphold discipline, restraint, do not abuse or insult, be slow to condemn, and quick to apologize where necessary.

8. Do not make concerted effort to gag free speech.

9. Share ideas freely and accommodate others.

10. We are one family and must always have unity of purpose.

11. Stick to the facts.

12. Do not turn this blog into a war zone.

13. One love should keep us together. Please let's respect one another.

14. Have a large heart -- be tolerant!

DORMANCY/INACTIVITY is not allowed here.

Dormancy/Inactivity here means NO commendation... NO criticism... NO participation... NO inputs... No contribution whatsoever! Here you must commend/criticise constructively every now and then.


1.) Study the groups CODE of ETHICS (COE) as above and see if you fit into it.

2.) DO NOT bring in stuffs (images or jokes) and items (texts or news) that do not fit into the group's scope and objectives.

3.) DO NOT post messages meant for an individual on this blog. Click on the individual's tag and use the individual's personal page.

4.) DO NOT forget that membership of this platform is made up of people of diverse age, race, social status, political and religious convictions and must be respected.

5.) PLEASE be polite in your contributions, mind your language. Be careful with your choice of words. DO NOT use foul or abusive language.

6.) DO NOT engage in 'war of words' or be confrontational with members on this platform. Rather use the individual's page OR the ADMIN's personal page to report abuse. Using this platform makes a mess of issues and could create costly digression.

This forum is expected to be interactive, informative and educative! Please contribute your quota to ensure we achieve these aims!

Enjoy the bonding experience!


ANSA Board of Directors

This topic was modified 6 years ago by ANSA Admin
