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Victoria Ukpaka
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Joined: 6 years ago
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Its was easy to fall for you
At the snap of the fingers,
But who will pick my pieces

When I crash?
Who will help me up when I fall?
Who will be there when the curtain of illusion is pulled up?

You became Everything I wished existed,
You became everything I hoped

I could find in another,
You became everything and it feels like a dream.
When the cold hands of reality wakes me up,
What will I do?

My fear is the power you wield,
My concern is the aura you exhude.
I am too afraid to resist lest I miss out on the best thing that could happen to me.

But it could be the bittersweet,
Worst nightmare wrapped in the best experience. 
It could be everything I always protected myself from,
Yet its like being drawn, like a moth to a flame.
Its surreally unreal
But don't wake me up yet.

The physical cinch is too strong that you could be my nemesis

Wrapped up in sheer maleness.

Truth is there is a power stronger than me yet,

Watching my every move waiting to punish any physical entanglement,
The experience is not worth the pain.

I want to win in the end

That is why I wait.

I hope he that means more will wait too.
Because I want to win in the courts of them, who passed the law of physical entanglement.


Victoria Ukpaka

This topic was modified 6 years ago by Victoria Ukpaka
