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Life's Paradox

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The morning gives birth to a new day

Just like the flip of a new page

Like souls that now stray
We scream and cry out with rage


Children are going astray
Orphans have no place to stay
We end up pushing blames
Like wind blowing flames


Men have gone against their wish
In search for goodwill we all breached
Now the same good will is what is fought
Forgetting the good that we were taught


Jeopardy the order of the day
And carelessly we go our way
Without concern of what the future holds
Without an achievement the young grow old


From the book of life I’ve come to find
That we were meant to have one mind
To a scattered mind does good withhold
But to a united one more to behold

Enenwannaji Ekene


This topic was modified 6 years ago by Zabrown_Nation

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Submitted in the wrong forum.
