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Writing you this letter
With my tears and ink mingled
On this plain sheet
My heart rips apart
I'm writing just to tell you of
How much I'd miss you
How much I once loved you
How much my heat yearned for you
How youthful and gay I felt
When I stayed next to you
To draw warmth, from an awkwardly cold world
It's hard to let go of you
Since I'm ever forbidden from
Setting an eye on you
Saying a word to you
Making mention of your name
Spending a sec with you
All I'm left to cling onto her memories
Those sweet memories
When we were still us
When our face still gleamed with joy
And our hearts bustling with love
When we laughed, talked, played
Like little children
When you got my face, my neck and all bathed with kisses
Times when your sonnets alone seduced me to bed
Times we both sat down under the moonlight
Chattering, looking up into the sky
Pointing wantonly at the Moon and the stars
Your My Eternal Muse,




