In the garden of Eves grows this yellow rose standing tall
soft, shy and fair.
Just a young a bud so gentle and small, yet strong
Love which has no boundaries
each day I see her grow into a bloom of perfect form
perfected in every way, so unconditional.
Bursting to bud to her fullest
a story told by each petal and leaf of her stem.
A yellow of pure sunlight
as she protrudes above her stem
each petal smiling as she opens her heart.
Love is projected by her colour in every way
The scent of softest morning dew.
Her angelic smile, smiles for me as I pass her by
face to the sun as she blushes when I pass.
Standing tall and strong amongst weeds
No winds strong enough to break her
Or frost that can burn her.
Protected by her thorns
Bugs and passer by's are quickly scared.
Strengthened by the morning dew
which quenches her thirst.
Fearful and down on my knees
I pray for this storm to pass quickly.
Knowing how fragile she is
The pain in her heart
My hand goes out to touch her as I pass her by.
I weep, I feel her pain to
May tomorrow come with new horizons for you.
My yellow rose so fair
Who has enriched my life in every way
My cup runs over.
You fulfill me with joy and song
You touch my heart gentle
With a touch of perfection.
Having you to hold for the rest of my life
Is all I ever will need.
As you are the sweetest part of my life
In my heart and soul
Forever and always
© Samson Obehi Onojayefe
# #AnsaPoetOfTheWeekContest
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12/08/2019 10:09 pm
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