Hearts of flesh
now hearts of stone,
souls finely merged
now all alone,
every moments now cold
like the famous Pluto.
Hearts of love
forever separated,
everyone on the rough
saddened and frustrated,
that's what we've become as humans,
no one cares for the situation of a brother.
We were friends,
we are not enemies,
we just stopped being there
for all and sundry,
because we've got our own battles to fight,
so we stopped peeping into another's plight.
This is what we've become
all for our selfish desires,
we're drunk in a lost cause
thinking of oneself all our lives.
When a man's heart is happy or salient,
who stays to share with him the moments?
The money he chases
or the fame he seeks?
The name he craves
or the wealth he breeds?
No! For these are things like birds,
here in this second; in another, gone like the air.
And we sink in shallow waters,
our hearts clamour bitterly for help,
which lurks on the feet of our brothers,
but our loud cries have become sighs on their ears.
No one cares about us, for they've learnt,
since we first severed the true bond of men!
© Aj Maverick
Alabi Muheez Ajibola
Well done. A few typos and spelling errors. E.g.
I believe the correct expression should be, 'Or the fame he seeks'