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Victoria Ukpaka
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Joined: 6 years ago
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I miss those days of baring it all.
When we allowed the ink flow on paper,
When we allowed our true emotions bleed on sheets.
Our words clashed and mingled seeking for best fit.

I miss those days,
when all we had was our words
Pouring through our inks,
As we expressed them through light touches,
Tracing out the passion lines,
Without breaking the fragile hold.

I miss those days,
When one look was enough.
When all the poetry we ever needed
Was in our eyes,
And all the music we ever wanted to sway to,
Was the rhythm of our hands
And the words we ever had to listen to
Were graceful words of our affections.

I miss those days, yes I do.
Now all we have are oceans Of distance,
And my ink lying empty on the blank sheets.
The windows fog with my breath,
And silent tears flow down my cheeks,
As I knew with certainty,
That it was brief, it was the best time,
And it will never happen again.


©Victoria Ukpaka

Prominent Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 862

Perfecto! ? ? 
