Bring Back My Pride.
Why do you decide to take it away from me?
Your conclusion was wrong.
You don't know how much it mean to me.
Bring Back My Pride.
The fire you set under my roof,
Hasn't stop burning.
You think it was a little flame,
It has disintegrated my mansion.
Bring Back My Pride.
Why do you think I am the right person?
To bare the pains.
What led you to me?
Why do I deserve to suffer?
Bring Back My Pride.
Not the hits on me,
Not the miserable moments,
Not even the tortures I passed through,
But the feelings you took away.
Bring Back My Pride.
You don't have the idea,
Of sleepless nights it took along,
Days went by, starving my intestines.
Also the Unstoppable tears.
Bring Back My Pride.
I'm once a human being,
You turned me to a beast,
That feast on feces,
Walking from a pit to another.
Bring Back My Pride.
You've deprived my happiness,
You denied me joy,
And not replace it,
At least with Smile.
Bring Back My Pride.
Who will bring me back alive?
You've taken the extension
And the adapter
To get a current, from an external.
Bring Back My Pride.
I was once beautiful,
In my Inner and outter,
But you left me as a miser,
Why do I deserve this state of agony.
Bring Back My Pride.
I will tell about you,
To my generation,
Not with cheerful mood,
But with weep and sweat all over me.
Bring Back My Pride.
They'll never forgive you,
If they got to know you're the cause,
For our unfortunate living,
The child in the womb will also rain curse on you.
Bring Back My Pride.
I can't bare the consequence anymore,
It never made my heart rest,
Until you unleash my crimes
And why I deserve this heck.
Bring Back My Pride.
Mukhtar Ma'ruf.