I was tired. Few weeks to end of service year and I am at wits end. What will I do with myself when youth service is over? I wondered.
The tick tock of the clock drew me to end of service year and I still didn't know whether to join the unending queues of job seekers or what, I don't know.
I have digital skills with certification to back it up, I have varied skills in writing with certifications too, and so many knowledge here and there begging to be used but I didn't know how.
Then I met a young man and he added me to ANSA. I was in awe. The highlight of joining was meeting Dr. Ken, the founder and president.
Wait! Here is the real untold story. I met Dr Ken unofficially and officially. Unofficially was on the phone. I thought he was the usual, typical young man who didn't know his salt so I kept postponing my meeting with him. I never found the time. Then one day, I found the time, met him officially, afterwards I left him a changed person. I was in awe at his person, a leader through and through from time ab initio.
Yet, I was still reluctant to start doing the needful for ANSA because I needed a means to make money.
One day, an inspiration dawned on me. I chatted him up and officially accepted to manage social media, more like public relations. Boom! Inspiration started coming and I started monetizing what I do. ANSA became a focal point for me, and my writing family too. Dr. Ken became my role model of leadership and even temperament. He is an epitome of wisdom, versatility, sound character and consistency.
I have grown and I have learned just by being part of Dr. Ken's team. Working with him is blissful and I still wonder how he has such an indefatigable energy to pursue his vision.
Then there's something else;
I wonder when he will introduce us to his wife!
I didn't say anything.
Long live Dr. Ken! Long live ANSA! long live us all!
Victoria Ukpaka
The last part though... Lol... ? ? ?