Martin raised his eyes to Harry and said, "To the reason why I called you here. I want you to make two pieces of colored ball pen art of my wife looking aroused, draped only in sheer silk."
"Come again."
"You heard me the first time, Harry. I want it done in two weeks before her birthday which is in two weeks’ time too. I want one for our bedroom and the other for my office."
Harry was short of words, he looked at Sandra to see her reaction to such a preposterous request. Nothing. Zilch. Nada. No reaction from her, it was as if she was not the subject of discussion. All of a sudden, Harry was livid. "You can't ask me to do that Martin"
"Tell me why not. You are a professional, you won't allow the fact that you are still in love with my wife interfere with the job. Remember, you need the money. Your mom is in the hospital with bills to pay. She is barely alive, I don't know why you can not just snuff out the little life remaining and save yourself the misery and waste of money you don't have." That got a reaction out of Sandra.
"Honey, you don't mean that?"
Harry stood up and paced the floor, the urge to punch a hole through Martin's face was so tempting. He wondered how Sandra could chose this egotistical egghead to him. He remembered why she could. The money. How could he forget!
"Martin, I have a strong urge to tell you to shove your egotistical proposal up your pompous anal orifice but..."
"But you won't Harry. You know why? The minute you walk out that door, I will shoot your credibility to hell. I will tell the world how you are a bastard. Yes I know your father is not really your father. And that X-rated clip of you and my wife getting it on in the most amorous position that makes Kim Kardashian look like a learner, you wouldn't have the mind to humiliate Sandra like that. Because you still love her."
Harry felt like strangling Martin when he saw Sandra white with shock. Left for him, he will tell Martin to go to hell. He will never humiliate Sandra. He still loves her even four years after the betrayal, Martin was right in that regard.
Harry heaved a sigh as he rubbed his temple, he wished he didn't have to endure this crap, but he has to play his own script to the fullest. The end plan was the goal after all. With regret, he knew Sandra will get caught in the crossfire. That he cannot do anything about. She chose her fate when she married the egoist. He looked at Martin, "how do I get your wife to look aroused every day of the drawing?"
Martin looked like he was in a thought for a few seconds, "just tell her to think about that man she always thinks of when we have sex, because I am very sure it's not me."
Lovely plot!
You just need to work on your tense usage. A few examples:
"Harry felt like strangling Martin when he saw Sandra white with shock."
Past tense, which is great. Stick with this choice and be consistent throughout the piece. You started with the past tense, then deviated to the future tense and later the present tense, as shown in the lines below:
"Left for him, he will (future tense) tell Martin to go to hell. He will (future tense) never humiliate Sandra. He still loves (present tense) her even four years after the betrayal..."
You must be consistent in your use of tenses! Would and loved would have been more appropriate in the above example.
There are also typos. E.g.,
He wondered how Sandra could chose this egotistical egghead to him. (Word be choose.)
And of course, punctuations:
"You can't ask me to do that Martin" (There should be a comma after the word that.)
And if you're submitting an excerpt of the same literary work for different editions of the same contest, try give each excerpt a new title or use roman numerals (I, II, III, etc) to show the stories are a series.
Great one!