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Victoria Ukpaka
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"Harry, I need your help and I think he is going to kill me this time"
The voice mail replayed in Harry's head as he sat across Martin, the CEO/MD incumbent of Lambert conglomerate, largest conglomerate in Africa.

Sitting by his side and hanging on every word from his mouth, was his breathtaking beautiful wife, Sandra.
Again Harry wondered what he was doing sitting in the lavish sun room of Martin Lambert and his wife.
Yes, Martin invited him for his architectural and pen art skills, and he was still waiting for the reason why Martin needs him of all people for skills he can get anywhere.

It will not surprise him if it's another avenue for Martin to rub marrying Sandra in his face. How successful he became after graduating college with the best results and married the girl he; Harry loved. Still loves.
He feels disturbed wondering why Sandra leaves such voice mails for him every night, third time in a row with the last one.
Maybe it's all part of the sick game she had been playing with his heart.
Shaking himself mentally from the depressing road his thoughts has taken. He focused on the issue at hand. Maybe, just maybe he might find a way to reject whatever it is Martin require of him.

They were all sitting in the lavishly decorated sunroom. Harry's seat was positioned in a way that it faced Martin and Sandra directly. Harry wondered if the seating arrangement was part of Martin's plan or whatever he has brewing behind the mischievous glint in his eyes. Sandra had a blank look on her face, except for the momentary cloud he saw in her eyes but that too could be effect of the light on her eyes. The monotony of the tap tap sound on Martin's tablet almost drove Harry nuts but he steeled himself against showing any form of discomfort. He will not give Martin the pleasure of seeing him unruffled by the silence.

After what felt like forever, Martin raised up his face from his tablet, with a mocking smile, he said; “Harry, feels good to have you. Don't mind me, had to attend to one or two important emails. You know how it is being a billionaire and the heir apparent to the largest conglomerate in Africa. That reminds me, what about your art and architecture? You always talked about having a very big gallery, selling great pieces while we were roommates in school, How come after all these years you never achieved them? I know, because of money. A pity after having those excellent grades back in school, you couldn't achieve your dreams and goals."

Harry just looked at him with a blank expression, he refused to allow Martin get a reaction out of him.
After two heartbeats and no reaction from Harry, Martin flexed his right fingers on his right knee. Sandra knew it was sign of his anger at his unproductive jab at Harry.

Martin raised his eyes to Harry and said, "To the reason why I called you here. I want you to make two pieces of colored ball pen art of my wife draped only in sheer silk, no clothes, looking aroused."
"Come again."
"You heard me the first time, Harry. I want it done in two weeks before her birthday which is in two weeks’ time too. I want one for our bedroom and the other for my office."



This topic was modified 6 years ago by Victoria Ukpaka

Prominent Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 862

Wow! Harry is dead meat!
