21st of March 2016 remains vividly a day I'll never forget. Too much troubles tear a man they say, that day I realized the truth in maxims and adages.
Lagos had been my dream city, its talks had entered my heart and built its love in there so strong that I always thought of being there almost everyday.
So our aunty was delivered of a baby boy and there you have it! She lives in Lagos. Finally! My dreams was on the verge of being realized. I did the work of the town crier that day, making everyone know of the latest star in my galaxy thanks to my audible voice and relentless spirit. I had sensed that Nkem and Ada envied my success.
"Who cares? " I shrugged off.
I had washed and ironed my clothes about 5 days before the D-day and kept them in the safest part of mama's cupboard.
The day came and my eyes were heavy as a result of the sleepless night I had, counting the time along with the wall clock before my brief nap and a sudden soft tap of sister signalling the arrival of morning. On a normal day, i would have whipped her with words but she went scot -free because of the day's importance. I just smiled and rushed to the bathroom. I remember that I gleefully turned down the food prepared at home that morning. Akpu and the normal oil soup.
"Taarh! " I muttered, " there is jollof rice in Lagos"
The car hired was already outside and I had entered before anyone, even ahead the enthusiastic 5-year old junior. My sister just laughed, she was not surprised.
As the car drove out of the town, we waved at the people who were gathered in front of our house waving at us as well. I was exuberant, Lagos was coming near.
Lagos thus, turned out to be busier, unsettled and crowded. We had entered a traffic for about 4 hours, taking the rest of whatever made my stomach full after the struggles of the car with the pot holes that lead the way outside our town had taken a very big part. I still endured, at least I'm enjoying the sight of beautiful houses, firms, roads etc.
At last we arrived at aunt's and the place was crowded. The family seemed to have gathered a fan base in Lagos I thought as we were lead to aunt's room. Then the maid brought Eba and Soup and placed it before us.
"Ahn! Where's jollof rice? "
"It's finished, this is what is left"
The maid answered, i remembered how I rejected akpu at home and decided to let my anger die by eating the Eba. Alas! It was meatless.
Frustrated by these things, i left the room and sat alone in the kitchen, i remembered how I ran round the town announcing this party. Now, the party has parted me.
© Aj Maverick
Started well, but the finish wasn't as appetising... A few structural deficiencies in between...