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A2 vs A3 vs A4 Image

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Mukhtar Abdulazeez
ANSA West Zonal Coordinator III
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A2 vs A3 vs A4 (Image)

For the image attached, produce a piece of literature (poetry, prose, play, etc) using the theme(s) that can be identified. You have 10 minutes to write at least 100 words.

Your time starts now. Submit on or before 20:48(GMT+1).

All the best!

ANSA… for the love of writing

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Maynah

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Roses are red, violets are blue, but the combination of subtle words fetches one good recognition.
As we celebrate international women's day, let's not forget that the women in our lives are beautiful, more beautiful than the roses in the garden combined, that just a stop at the mall to get them flowers, reminds them of the uniqueness of their personality and the beauty of their poise.
Flowers may not do the deed, niether will it be able to describe the awesomeness of their individual uniqueness, but it'll definitely go a long way to remind them that we care and that they make up an integral part of the society.

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"Self-love," I say again, annoyed. 


"You need a husband, you this woman. Self-love ke you there." she responds with her hands clapping. 


The flowers, heavy on my arm, start to droop. All I wanted was some vegetables. 


"This is your third valentine and you have no man. Haaa. Go and get a husband, young lady." After saying that, she stood to go into the inner market perhaps. Yo gossip, I trust. All I wanted was some carrots. 


My mouth is moving. The words I'm battling with are forcing themselves out. 


I let them: "Mrs Market-seller, at least I'm not poor."


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Flowers and their importance
Flowers signify strength, purity, consciousness. Decorating your interior and exterior spaces.
Flowers play a crucial role in our lives; they have been used for generations to express the thoughts and feelings words cannot fully explain. Mother nature is the short term used to describe how nature gives life and nurture as a mother does for her children. As humans, we are part of mother nature's plan. We are also connected to plants and flowers, and some of the benefits have been passed to the next generation and will always be.
From the image, one can definitely see the love for flowers being exhibited by the woman by indulging in picking loads of different kinds of flowers. This shows how important they are to her and humans generally. In conclusion, it serves as a memorable means of exhibiting love toward others.
Joseph Samuel
