Two days after the proposal, she found a card at her doorstep, written with a messy hand writing “DO NOT MARRY HIM”. Selina’s hand shook as she read the words on the card again.
“Honey, who is that?” Miles, her fiance asked from the kitchen.
Selina immediately folded the card and shove it into the pockets of her shorts. “I guess its just these neighbourhood kids playing their childish pranks”
She replied as she joined him in the kitchen. Getting to the kitchen she pasted a smile on her lips, which did not reach her eyes. Miles looked at her, “baby are you sure it was nothing?” he asked worry lines creased his forehead.
Selina looked at him and saw the concern in his eyes and resolved to write off the note as just a prank, an expensive joke. She gave him a beatific smile, and saw the cloud in his eyes clear. She resolved to burn the note at the slightest opportunity.
After Miles left her house later that afternoon, Selina sat down in her sitting room swirling wine in a glass with a dreamy look in her eyes. “Marriage to Miles will be awesome”, she thought. Everyone approves of him, and he is every girls' dream, rich and drop dead gorgeous.
Her phone's ringtone snapped her out of her musings, she frowned when she saw the number was hidden. Curious, she answered; “hello, who is this?”
She heard four words in a cryptic tone “DO NOT MARRY HIM”. chills ran down her spine, and she broke out in gooses bumps. “Who is this? Who are you? What kind of prank is this?” Selina asked in anger.
Then she heard the four words a second time before silence descended and she realized whoever it was had ended the call. She looked at the hand holding the phone, realized it was shaking very badly, she kept the phone on the stool before it falls off. A ripple of unease settled within her. Someone is trying to pass a message and she must find out who and why.
Victoria Ukpaka