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The mystery crush

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There was this girl I fell in love with. I fell in love with her hair at first, it was these kinda thick black braids, that was so long, it went all the way to your waist.
I didn't know her name, but I was in love with her, I hadn't seen her face but I was in love with her.
I'm an artiste, so I painted many portraits of her hair, hung it up on the wall in my room, I practically worshipped it.
I had seen her on the road, close to where some Hausa men sell oranges and watermelons, so everyday, I would sit under a palm tree and wait for her to pass by again, maybe I would see her face, and then I could put an image in my memory for when I wanna paint.
For a few days, she didn't walk by, finally, she did. She had a veil covering her hair and parts of her face, but I could recognize her anywhere. I started to move closer. But she picked up the pace and soon went through a corner where I couldn't see her anymore. I cursed under my breath. I searched around for a little while, but still didn't see her, then I decided to go home.
The next day, I was at the usual palm tree, whistling, when I saw her walk by again. I tried calling her, but she ignored. And I used my best lines oh!
I decided to follow her again. This time my pace was as fast as hers. I almost lost consciousness while walking so fast because she didn't have a veil on and I could see her long thick braids. They were beautiful.
I said "Baby girl! Baby girl!" Trying to get her attention, but she wouldn't budge, she actually started to walk a little bit faster. I wonder where she was always headed to.
Then I decided to run, since I was still many steps behind her. If I could just see her face, I could paint more portraits and fall even deeper in love.
I ran for a few seconds until I rubbed shoulders with her and stood before her.
My heart dropped.
I immediately flinched, like a giant ant had bitten my toe.
"What?! " I exclaimed," Who are you? "
My muse wasn't a girl, it was a gay guy with a freaky beard, that had a comb in it.
Then it spoke.
" Wetin be your problem" in the girliest voice possible and I flinched even harder, this time nearly knocking myself over.
It then held its waist and waved it's fingers, and said, again, in the very girly voice,
"Comot from my front jare "
It then pushed me aside and continued walking, shaking it's ass down the street.

©Maymunah Kadiri

Prominent Member Admin
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Posts: 862

Hilarious... But the use of 'it' for a male... Not ideal!
