If God calls a summit
"One question, one man"
What would mine be,
that I get to live for eternity?
Or I consider my state of wants,
asking for all that I desire?
But what would the lame, blind and deaf ask for?
For movement, sight and hearing obviously.
All these I have and I don't remember being grateful for them.
"Perhaps I'm an ingrate?"
this question echoes in my head.
These people will only ask for one thing each.
I have all they have and I will still ask for a lot.
Am I really an ingrate
or one that has suffered long in the bondage of lack ?
If the day comes , I shall surely ask
but what to ask remains a mystery.
Perhaps a mind that is not selfish
or a heart that is both cheerful and grateful.
For now, I shall only live
to celebrate what I have.
© Alabi Muheez Ajibola