Last seen: Dec 18, 2022
Not bad.
The title is also misleading because apparently both wives had a hand in the calamity.
Good, but it's an all too familiar storyline. The piece is also wrought with errors ranging from defective sentence construction to poor tense usage. ...
You still haven't edited the work. Look out for incorrect punctuations, capitalisations, tense usage...
Nice poem. Note the use of capitalizations (S1L1, S2L1, S8L4). S6L1: I'm at war against (with) myself.
Very deep! ?? Note the use of capitalizations (S1L2). 'Promise land' should be 'Promised Land' (S4L3).
Nice train of thought. Plenty grammatical and structural errors though: "Your memories comes (come) to me like black stars" "Now is (it's) burning me ...
S3L3: "They can not decipher deeply..." Why did you choose to separate 'can' and 'not'? S7L1: "The black is the sad child..." I omitted 'child' after ...
Message well delivered. Try use small words for big words instead. Last stanza: "...when we chose to lose our ambitions to" I believe the word should...
Nice exposition. Let's correct a few errors: 1. '...youths are addicted to something, be it drugs, gambling even pornography.' There should be a comma...
Suitable for the age bracket under consideration. However, the text is rid with plenty structural and grammatical errors. Use of punctuations was defe...
Same work was submitted last month with the title Arrival II. Why choose to resubmit with another title?
A beautiful prosaic poem, barring a few grammatical errors: 'Love can't be define as it is the way of living a life but letting it disperesed in the a...
Very nice. Try correct the following errors: S1L2: 'Where the rays of the sun is turbulent' S1L3: 'We are from where the moon shies his light'
Well done. Let's note some errors: S1L7: 'I have drown in the pot of oblivion' The word be drowned, not drown. S2L3: 'A bright sun shining day' This i...