Last seen: Dec 18, 2022
Piece is littered with structural and grammatical errors. Needs editing.
Piece is littered with structural and grammatical errors. Needs editing.
Nice collabo. Avoid use of high-sounding words in your poetry: hubristic, aggrandizement, etc. Keep it simple and plain! S1L6: The proud breeds sad so...
Nice poem. You repeated certain lines far too often though.
Nicely written, but your use of rhythm is inconsistent.
Good collabo. But is this free verse or rhythm? You've got to choose one and follow it through.
S2L4: 'To put my heart off the rough...' (The highlighted word isn't a noun, so it's use is inappropriate there. As an adjective, it can't be used as ...
A familiar piece. Always nice to read.
Captivating! S13L3: Should be 'green-white-green' (note the hyphen)
Good poem. Mind your tense usage. There's no subject-verb agreement, especially in the first stanza: The moon bleeds (present tense) The clouds gather...
Very well done! Few issues with grammar, punctuation and spelling. S1L1: At the thickest hour of the night (use 'darkest' in place of 'thickest')
Fine poem! Should be edited though. S5L2: 'My pen has missed with the dark...' (This is grammatically incorrect. Try: My pen has gone missing, with t...
Good collabo. You should know when to use capitalisations. Get your tense usage right as well.
Nice poem. Needs good editing. Structural and grammatical errors are evident.
The phrase 'imperative key' is tautological. 'Path way' should be 'pathway' (one word)!