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The inevitable

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The street was quiet, it felt like the trees where talking, the wind sang sweetly, Kola alighted from the bike like he was going to die his legs where so dirty he wore a blue jean and what used to be a white t-shirt his eyes where swollen, as he walked down the road he couldn't stop the stares , he chuckled to himself " the handsome Kola is now a masqurede that everyone stares at in disgust, jungle justice's he muttered what do they gain from seeing a lifeless body burnt without recognition and killed with bitter hearts, if only they knew what it takes to create a being then they would realize what sin they commit.

Kola a young graduate who stayed four years jobless after his B'sc degree from the University of Lagos. He decided to go into tailoring but luck wasn't on his side so his joblessness got him a hobby of roaming down the street of Lagos with his certificate. Kola used to be the kid termed "dullard" most times he always wondered how miserable and useless his life would be if he wasn't kind to an old lady who happened to be the mother of the vice Chancellor of the University of Lagos where he bagged his B'sc.
Kola used to think he had gotten all the connection in the world till he heard the news of the VC mother's death in his 200 level .He wept bitterly for four days. After his university education Kola like every fresh graduate was optimistic about getting a job but it felt like his luck died with the old woman. After searching for four years, on a cold Friday kola went out to search for a job, coming out of Zenith bank plc looking dejected Kola stumbled on a parcel he was tempted to open the bag and low and behold staring before him where priceless jewel. Kola decided to close the bag only for him to get hit by a stick, all he could hear was voices of an angry mob "ole ole" kola was still trying to understand what was going on on till he heard put the Tyre round him where is the kerosene a voice asked, "is this how I would just die innocent jobless and hopeless " was all kola could think of. "Leave him alone he his innocent" a voice said, it took several pleadings from good Samaritans to pacify the angry mob. "He his not the one the thief must have dropped the bag" said the owner of the bag. "Thank God was all kola could say indeed I am one lucky man".
So when people stared at him while walking on the street with his swollen face all he could do was smile. "If only they know" he said to himself.
