" Buy pure water, chinchin for sale , okpa di okwu" where the voices that echoed in Sandra's head. Sandra was an undergraduate of Nnamdi Azikiwe University in the Department of cooperative economics and management. Sandra after writing her first semester exam decided to spend three weeks at Aunty's place in Port -Harcourt. Sandra was a beautiful girl with nice curves, straight legs, and eyes that sparkled like the stars. As she stepped into Rivers company transport park, Jerry couldn't help but stare he approached her and offered to carry her bag . Sandra didn't refuse because the bag was too heavy and she badly needed help. "Thank you was" all she could say with a smile. Jerry paid for her ticket Sandra couldn't help but smile "what a lucky day she said to herself". A dirty blue old bus was parked before them Sandra prayed silently not to enter the bus. Jerry gave her the ticket oh! Why this same bus. Sandra had no choice but to manage. They sat down next to each other at the back . On thier way to Port-harcourt, Sandra brought out her poem book,
My every breath,
Seems like the breadth,
Of a beautiful material,
That was designed in Australia,
Because of the gift of love
You made plain like the body of a white dove.
Jerry's eyes cut the last stanza he couldn't stop staring at the beautiful lady beside him "you awesome" he said. He held her right hand gently and fondled her palm he kissed it lovingly and brought his lips closed to her cheek Sandra could feel his breath and her heart beat made her feel more uncomfortable. He bit her ears a little and whispered something sweet," I would love to be yours if only you let me" and slowly he brought his lips close to hers. Sandra felt like her heart had left it's spot. Boom where the last words she heard their vehicle had an accident. Oh my! Thank God it was a dream, I would have embarked on an endless journey she said Sandra looked up and rubbed her sleepy eyes standing next to the door was Jerry "may I sit next to you he asked?
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Prose (Fiction)
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04/07/2019 9:09 pm